Hi there!

I always find the relatively slower pace of summer time a beautiful period to reflect back on the past 6 months and to set intentions. This process helps me to start the second half of the year with renewed motivation and inspiration. I love to share this process with you, so you can do your own reflecting, celebrating and refocusing. 

This year you can choose between two versions :

  • the full SUMMER PAUSE WORKBOOK -  with a lot of fun reflections + intention setting + ways to put your intentions into practice.
  • a shorter SUMMER PAUSE REFLECTION SHEET - with a selection of reflection questions

I hope you will enjoy reflecting, celebrating and refocusing!



 Yes! Send me the full workbook

 Yes! Send me the short reflection sheet

You will also receive inspiration on staying balanced and making choices that bring you energy and joy.

You can unsubsribe any time, of course

copyright 2023| SamulaMescher.nl
